Vatnajökull National Park is now under the jurisdiction of the Nature Conservation Agency of Iceland. The agency's website is currently being developed. Read more.

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Hunting, fishing & other land use

Information for hunters

Livestock grazing

Livestock grazing is only allowed in areas where traditional land use is allowed and it must be sustainable. Assessment of pasture land shall be targeted according to regulation on quality-controlled sheep production no. 10/2008. If it turns out that grazing is unsustainable and causes the decline of vegetation, the national park management can request that grazing should be stopped or restricted in the relevant area.

Berries, mushroom, lichen, herbs and eggs

The National Park will establish and present clear rules on hunting, berry, herb, egg, lichen and mushroom picking after consultation with stakeholders, rights holders and landowners in the area. Note that some herbs that grow in Icelandic nature are rare and protected and it is not permitted to harm them.