Trail difficulty factor
Vatnajökull National Park has started to mark its hiking paths according to a factor for path difficulty. In the future all hiking trails will be marked according to this factor. Please note that the system refers to track surface, but not distance or difficulty of navigation.

Easy path - blue path
For the most part good trails with a smooth surface, without any significant obstructions or difficulties.

Challengin path - red path
Routes and trails which may include lengthy rough, difficult sections, and obstructions such as unbridged brooks or small rivers, loose gravel, steep sections, and so forth.

Difficult path - black path
Routes and trails involving obstacles and difficulties, such as sizable unbridged rivers, steep slopes and cliff barriers, which may prove hazardous to the inexperienced or in poor conditions.

For those with limited mobility - green path
These trails are over 75 cm in width and have paving, wooden platforms or compacted gravel, so that there is no loose gravel lying on the surface. Slots between boards or paving stones do not exceed 5 mm. The slope of a trail or a ramp is not more than 1:15 (6.7%) and never more than 1:12 (8%). The gap between handrails is about 90 cm and never more than 120 cm. Rest areas with benches are with approx. 100 m intervals.
For those in weelchair with an assistant - green path
These trails are over 90 cm in width and have paving, wooden platforms or compacted gravel, so that there is no loose gravel lying on the surface. Slots between boards or paving stones do not exceed 5 mm. The slope of a trail or a ramp is not more than 1:15 (6.7%). If there is more elevation, then there are single steps on the way, not more than 3 single steps every 50 meters and a 120 cm straight path after each step. Each step is not higher than 15 cm. At approx. 100 meters intervals there are rest areas with benches and at least a 90 cm wide area for wheelchairs. Path shoulder is at least 4 cm.
For those in weelchair without an assistant - green path
These trails are at least 90 cm in width and have paving, wooden platforms or compacted gravel, so that there is no loose gravel lying on the surface. Slots between boards or paving stones do not exceed 5 mm. The slope of a trail or a ramp is not more than 1:20 (5%). If there is more elevations there are handrails for assistance but the slope is never more than 1:15 (6.7%). The gap between handrails is about 90 cm and never more than 120 cm. The side slope of paths is never more than 1:50 (2%). At approx 100 meters intervals there are rest areas with benches and at least a 90 cm wide area for wheelchairs. Along ramps there are at least 4 cm high path shoulders.